We pride ourselves on being an accessible, state-wide service.
Your donations go directly towards ensuring more women can access help when they need it.

For each $10,000 raised, Women's Legal Service (SA) is able to take on an additional six representation matters,
or provide 200 more legal advices to women.
Women's Legal Service (SA) welcomes donations
How to donate?
Donations can be sent directly to the Women’s Legal Service (SA) bank account:
Women’s Legal Service (SA)
BSB: 065 000
Account: 1162 4995
Donations over $2 are tax deductible.
To receive tax deductible receipt, please input your surname in the deposit description and also send an email to admin@wlssa.org.au with your full name and amount donated. A receipt will then be issued to you.​
Leaving a gift to WLSSA in your Will
Leaving a gift in you will to Women’s Legal Services (SA) is an enduring way for you to empower the women of South Australia.
Your bequest will support the ongoing development of our services and programs that directly support women and children through the court process who have been affected by domestic and family violence.
Women’s Legal Service (SA) creates a meaningful impact by:
Creating pathways for women to access legal advice and information;
Providing legal assistance and legal representation for vulnerable women;
Educating women on their legal rights and responsibilities; and
Improving capacity within the legal and community service sector to better respond to the legal needs of women (and their children).